Wednesday 22 October 2014

Week 12 Contact (Revisit Definition of a Prototype)

For the last contact exercise, we have been asked to revisit the definition of prototype that we once did before back in Week 1.

Referring to week 1, i now realised that there are so many other forms of prototype than just  labeling them all into digital and physical prototypes. I've learnt many types of prototypes that i've learnt, especially lo-fi and hi-fi and even from horizontal to vertical to diagonal prototypes.

I (in week 1) defined Prototype as a test product after a basic idea is formed. I would like improve this definition. Prototype is actually a form of design iteration that users use to test the products after an idea is formed. Further and more Hi-fi prototypes are developed after each testing and feedack received to further improve the product.

i have also learnt and experienced that constructive feedback and also testing of the prototype is very important to further improve the idea. Without constructive feedback from other users, you are only constrained by what you think of the product. But when users start to test it, they will sometimes see it in a different angle and give you feedback that you couldn't think of, which was very important in my game mash-up prototype of minesweeper and tic-tac-toe.

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