Monday 11 August 2014

Week 2 Contact Exercise (Mixed/Augmented Reality Prototype)

Think about a device you have at home, smth you use regularly.
Something that I would use daily is the Qi wireless charger that i have for my Nokia Lumia 920. See pictures attached below if you've never seen wireless chargers before (: This device would always be on my main desk.

Think about your interaction with it.
I would use it as I reach home from uni/work or even whenever I'm home sitting on my desk. This would ensure the battery of my phone would always be full when I leave home!

Think about an aspect of the interaction that is open to variation
One thing that I'm always not happy with this product is that is always lying down horizontally and I can't immediately look at the phone whenever there's a notification. I have to at least pick it up. This would then stop the charging process of the phone thus lowering the charging rate of the phone. 

Design a mixed or augmented reality prototype to test those variations. 
Figure above shows are charger stand prototype that would be made out of cardboard (a sturdy but not thick material so that the charging process is not affected. 

With this charger stand, the interaction between the charger and the phone, and also the phone and I is increased greatly. As I am able to easily check my phone's status/notifications with just a glimpse. eg. I dont have to literally pick up the phone and check for notifications as now the phone is rested in an angle that is comfortable to my eyes. 

Here's a YouTube video of the prototype! do watch it! (:

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