Thursday, 4 September 2014

Week6 Exercise & Interactive Prototype 1 Plan


figure 1: the game concept

Objects on the concept of the game This Means War.
So based on figure 1 above, which is a screenshot of the video prototype shows all the elements/objects needed to create this game in Flash/ Action Script:

1. A main window for a 4x4 grid layout.
This window would allow all objects to appear on the stage and with the grid layout, then players would easily distinct which square has not been marked and vice versa.

2. Tiles.
Red and blue tiles for users to show their mark. Yellow tiles for hidden mines. The mines are also considered as an object. The red or blue tiles need to know that if 3 (maybe) marks connect diagonally, vertically or horizontally, the player would earn one point.

- also another minor tile would be a grey 50% opacity tile. This tile would be used when users score points and this grey tiles will appear to sort of highlight the marks that connect to each other. This tile should also know that if it happens to appear in the game, the game should end. This means that player should NOT be able to place new marks anymore.

3. Players (as this is a two player game).
Two players should be created. Red player which is the first player and blue player which is the second. Players object need to know that when respective player clicks anywhere on the grid, their own colour mark will appear.

4. ? (Help) button.
The '?' button should be created at the side of the grid layout. Help button needs to know that if it is clicked, it will reveal one mine. Only one player could reveal one mine in the whole game.

5. Main Scoreboard.
The main scoreboard is to keep track of the number of mines each player has. it needs to know that when 3 marks (maybe 4) connect, it will add one point to the respective player. and it needs to know that if player scores a certain amount of points (2 points), the game ends and the respective player wins the game.

PS: i've started learning AS3 from the prac tutorials especially the pong prac.
I also found a good tutorial website that creates a good 3x3 classic tic tac toe that I could make use of for my prototype.

CRC cards for the scenarios that are to be tested in this prototype.

in this interactive prototype 1, i hope to be able to implement a working 4x4 tic tac toe with hidden mines on it. I will be testing the interactivity of the mines when it is hit by the player and also what happens to the game after the mine explodes. Will the same spot automatically turn into the opposite colour in the opponent's favour or will it go back to an empty spot instead? This would be the main thing that I would be testing during the week7B prac. I also would want to know which scoring system will work better, eg. 3 marks for 1 point or 4 marks for 1 point? Should the game have several sets and each set will count as 1 point?

Thanks for reading!! will be back with more updates on the prototype!

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