Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Week 9 Prac

For this week's prac, we were asked to come up with MakeyMakey controls for cat mario online.
One of the challenge was to not have the ground connected to your body directly.

So, since cat mario uses only 3 keys (left, right and jump) controls, i utilised my jacket to create a left and right movement.

I put folded aluminium foils onto both right and left of the shoulder of the jacket. and then made a jump button in an arrow shape.

From the first picture, legendary +Alex Balson wore my jacket and started playing cat mario. As ground somehow couldn't be connected to your body, I made a play-doh ball as a cursor where users need to touch the ball to the pads on the shoulders or the 'jump' button to move.

The 2nd challenge from William was to make the game being played by 2 players. so I made two earths, and one player controlled the left and right movements and another controlled the jump button. It was very challenging as a lot of coordination was needed to play the game.

I learnt quite a few techniques from this session of prac. I also got feedback from William and friends about my own prototype game. I realised that making 16 buttons and connected all individual 16 buttons onto the MakeyMakey would be quite hard. It was concluded that a coordinates thingy should be done and then if a 4x4 grid is used, only 8 buttons are needed to be mapped onto the MakeyMakey.

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