Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Week 8 Exercise

Given these applications: Email, Twitter, Super Mario Bros (the platformer game);
Come up with at least 5 different physical interactions
for each.
What are the elements/controls of each application
that would afford an alternative interaction method?
How would you map the interactions onto/into physical

1. Physically write the letter out with a pen/pencil, then slide it through a filter that scans through everything you wrote. Given two buttons, green or red, if user presses the green button, message is good to be sent. If red, message is not ready yet and should be reedited.
2. Use a piano stairs to type out the email.
3. clap twice while reading an email to flag that current email.
4. do a 'drum roll' sound with your fingers to send the email.
5. Using the webcam, swipe gestures from left to right to delete the email. and right to left to 'flag' the email.

1. to retweet simply just chirp 'tweet tweet'.
2. to follow people, use hand gestures such as having both hands with ten fingers up facing the computer for 5 seconds. to unfollow people, close those two hands and bring them away.
3. to reply a tweet, simply say out the command "tweet 'username' 'message' ".
4. Make a NFC tap to tweet trigger. Tap the NFC to tweet and voice out your message to the tweet, then chirp to post the tweet.
5. Talk to a robotic bird and allow it to compile and let it tweet the post for you.

Super Mario Bros
1. Use a flight of stairs for user to run forwards and backwards. middle of the stairs means standing still.
2. Shout 'jump' to jump.. Or to make things more fun/interactive, shout 'duck' to jump.
3. Use a physical toy gun's trigger to detect as a shotting/firing weapon or even punching.
4. Set up a playground with real obstacles and replicate them into the game, that way user will actually play the game for real instead of just sitting down and using the computer game.
5. Use a dance dance revolution controller to control mario instead of the normal Wii or keyboard controllers.

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